aurelia magic the gathering

Aurelia, Magic: The Gathering – Strategies, Tips, and Tools

Welcome, Planeswalkers, to an in-depth exploration of Aurelia, one of the most iconic characters in the world of Magic: The Gathering. In this article, we will dive into Aurelia’s role within the MTG universe, discuss effective strategies for utilizing her abilities, and provide useful tips for maximizing her potential in your deck. Additionally, we’ll introduce you to KrakenTheMeta, a powerful platform that can enhance your deck-building experience with its advanced features and community engagement.

Who is Aurelia?

Aurelia is a legendary angel from the world of Ravnica, known for her leadership in the Boros Legion, a guild that blends the principles of law and order with martial prowess. She has appeared in several sets, and her cards are highly regarded for their aggressive and synergistic abilities.

Key cards featuring Aurelia include:

  • Aurelia, the Warleader – A 6-cost, 3/4 flying, vigilance, and haste creature with a powerful ability that allows you to take an additional combat phase after the first one each turn.
  • Aurelia, Exemplar of Justice – A 4-cost, 2/5 flying creature that can grant other creatures +2/+0, vigilance, and trample until the end of turn.

Strategies for Playing Aurelia

1. Aggro Decks

Aurelia, the Warleader, is a powerhouse in aggressive decks. Her ability to grant an additional combat phase is perfect for decks looking to push through as much damage as possible. Here’s how you can build a solid aggro deck with her:

  • Include creatures with low mana costs and high power, such as Goblin Guide and Monastery Swiftspear.
  • Use enchantments and spells that boost your creatures’ power, like Giant Growth or Boros Charm.
  • Make sure to have a mix of removal spells, such as Lightning Bolt and Path to Exile, to clear the way for your attackers.

2. Midrange Decks

Aurelia, Exemplar of Justice, fits well into midrange decks that balance aggression with board control. Her ability to buff other creatures and her solid stats make her a versatile tool. To optimize her use in a midrange deck:

  • Combine her with creatures that have strong mid-game presence, like Thalia, Heretic Cathar and Hero of Bladehold.
  • Include a suite of removal and disruption, such as Thoughtseize, Fatal Push, and Anguished Unmaking.
  • Blend in some utility lands, like Gavony Township, to enhance your board presence over time.

Tips for Maximizing Aurelia’s Potential

Understand Her Timing

Timing is key with Aurelia. With Aurelia, the Warleader, you want to ensure you are set up for a big swing on the turn she comes down. Try to avoid overcommitting to the board until you’re ready to capitalize on her additional combat phase.

Protection is Vital

Aurelia is a high-priority target for removal spells. Cards like Swiftfoot Boots and Lightning Greaves can help protect her and ensure that she can utilize her abilities effectively. Additionally, consider running Boros Charm to protect her from board wipes.

Leverage Synergistic Cards

Build around Aurelia with cards that create additional advantages during combat. For instance, creatures with abilities that trigger on attack, like Adorned Pouncer or Skyknight Legionnaire, can provide extra value in decks featuring Aurelia.

Enhancing Your Aurelia Deck with KrakenTheMeta

To further refine your Aurelia deck and stay ahead of the competition, leveraging a platform like KrakenTheMeta can be incredibly beneficial. Here’s how:

1. Deck Building Tool

KrakenTheMeta boasts a comprehensive deck builder that allows you to easily add and organize cards. You can analyze deck composition and make data-driven decisions to optimize your deck’s performance.

2. Card Database Access

With access to an extensive database of MTG cards, KrakenTheMeta ensures you are always up-to-date with the latest sets, card rulings, and printings. This can be crucial for making informed choices when constructing your deck.

3. Analytics and Statistics

Understanding detailed analytics and statistics for your decks can provide insights into performance and areas for improvement. KrakenTheMeta’s tools can help you track your win rates, identify key weaknesses, and refine your strategies.

4. Community Engagement

Sharing your Aurelia deck with the community on KrakenTheMeta allows you to receive feedback, discuss strategies, and keep up with trends. Engaging with other players can provide inspiration and new ideas to take your deck to the next level.

Sign up today and join the community at, and start exploring all the features available at


Aurelia is a versatile and powerful character in Magic: The Gathering that can lead to numerous exciting and effective strategies. By understanding her strengths, leveraging synergistic cards, and utilizing tools like KrakenTheMeta, you can craft a formidable Aurelia deck that will dominate your opponents. Happy deck building, and may your combat phases be plentiful!

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