Funny Magic: The Gathering Cards – Humor & Strategy Guide

Magic: The Gathering (MTG) is known for its intense strategy, rich lore, and competitive play. However, the game also embraces humor, bringing joy and laughter to countless matches. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of funny Magic: The Gathering cards, exploring some of the most entertaining and whimsical cards available. We’ll also discuss how you can integrate these cards into your decks for maximum hilarity, and provide tips on using KrakenTheMeta to enhance your deck building experience.

What Makes a Magic: The Gathering Card Funny?

Several elements can make an MTG card funny, including:

  • Humorous Artwork: Cards featuring whimsical, exaggerated, or absurd art.
  • Amusing Flavor Text: Descriptions or dialogue that evoke laughter.
  • Unusual Mechanics: Cards with mechanics that are quirky or unconventional.
  • Spoofs and Parodies: Cards that parody popular culture or MTG itself.

Top 5 Funny Magic: The Gathering Cards

1. Phelddagrif

Phelddagrif card image

Phelddagrif is a charmingly absurd creature card featuring a flying purple hippo. Its abilities are both whimsical and generous, allowing opponents to gain life, tokens, or even draw cards. The card’s humor is amplified by its goofy artwork and name, which is an anagram of “Garfield Ph.D.,” a nod to the game’s creator, Richard Garfield.

2. Goblin Game

Goblin Game card image

Goblin Game invites players to a hilarious, ridiculous mini-game. Each player hides objects, then everyone simultaneously reveals how many they hid. The closest guess to the total wins, while others lose life. This card injects an element of chaos and hilarity into any game.

3. Chaos Confetti

Chaos Confetti card image

Probably one of the most unique cards, Chaos Confetti requires players to tear it into pieces and throw it across the battlefield, permanently destroying any cards the pieces touch. This card’s ridiculous nature ensures a memorable and laughter-filled game.

4. Ach! Hans, Run!

Ach! Hans, Run! card image

This card references a famous MTG flavor text from the card “Lhurgoyf.” The artwork humorously depicts various monstrous creatures, making it a fun addition to any deck. Its ability to create surprise blockers fits well with its flavor.

5. Infernal Spawn of Infernal Spawn of Evil

Infernal Spawn card image

This card is a parody of itself, featuring a devilish creature enjoying hot cocoa. Its ability to deal damage and gain life while reciting the phrase “I’m coming back!” adds a delightful layer of humor to the game.

How to Build a Funny Deck

Integrating funny cards into your deck can create a light-hearted, enjoyable experience for all players. Here are some tips:

  • Theme the Deck: Choose a clear comedic theme, such as goblins, hippos, or parody cards.
  • Mix Humor with Strategy: Balance funny cards with strategically strong ones to keep the deck competitive.
  • Use KrakenTheMeta: Utilize the deck building tool on KrakenTheMeta to organize your funny cards and analyze your deck’s composition.
  • Community Feedback: Share your deck on KrakenTheMeta to get feedback from the community and make adjustments based on their suggestions.

Enhancing Your Experience with KrakenTheMeta

KrakenTheMeta is an invaluable resource for MTG enthusiasts, offering robust tools to enhance your deck-building experience:

Deck Building Tool

The comprehensive deck builder allows for the easy addition and organization of cards. You can create a balanced and fun deck by combining humorous cards with strong strategy cards.

Card Database Access

Access an extensive database of MTG cards to find the funniest cards for your deck. The database is continuously updated with new sets and card rulings.

Analytics and Statistics

Use the detailed analytics tools to analyze the performance of your funny deck. Understand the strengths and weaknesses and make data-driven adjustments.

Community Features

Share, browse, and like decks created by other members. Engage with the community through comments and discussions to get feedback and inspiration for your decks.


Funny Magic: The Gathering cards offer a delightful way to introduce humor into your games, making matches more enjoyable and memorable. By leveraging tools and community features on KrakenTheMeta, you can create balanced, entertaining decks that keep the laughter rolling. Whether you’re a competitive player or a casual gamer, never underestimate the power of a good laugh in your Magic: The Gathering experience.

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